We specialize in listing restaurants and businesses with or without ownership of the real estate. Our goal is to help business owners from start to finish. Business valuation, selling strategy, listing your business discreetly or publicly, internal and external advertising and exposure, establishing a second location for your business and lease negotiation. We are your one stop shop for liquidating, selling or growing your current operation.
CT Commercial Partners is here to provide something different. With personal backgrounds in the restaurant and service industry, we are able to help get your new business up and running with tips and tricks on how to succeed, grow your business, and keep things profitable. Our hands on technique allows us to provide meaningful advice about the current market in our area. Our unique marketing strategies and community based ground-level prospecting helps us to maximize opportunity.
Our team prides itself on delivering results and our focus is always on providing exceptional service. What more would you expect from a team dedicated to being approachable, knowledgeable and above all professional? We have extensive local knowledge which gives us a unique insight and ability to assess market conditions and provide the best and most relevant advice. We are here to support, push for and advocate for your businesses best interest.
Let us know how we can help you